Budget 和 Financial Services

预算管理人员在R的财务协调和流程方面为所有Pitzer教师提供协助&(研究 & awards), honoraria, travel funding, 和 student research assistants. We also provide support for students seeking research funding.


教师 和 Student Funding Opportunities

资金来源:日期:建议:由于 提交细节:
Student Conference 旅行全年全年提交表单 
Catherine Blore Endowed Memorial Book Fund for New Resources Students - Fall & 春天





教师R&A - Fall & 春天





学生R&A - Fall & 春天





Katie Lawson Endowed Memorial Award3/27/20254/14/2025提交表单
JF Harmon: 教师-Student Summer 研究 Assistantship Program 3/27/20254/14/2025提交表单

All requests for payment 和 reimbursement should be submitted through the 付款申请表格.




教师旅游 to Professional Meetings
Pitzer和Keck Science的全职Pitzer轮岗教师(包括休假和无薪专业休假的教师)每学年有资格获得高达2000美元的会议旅费. Pitzer和Keck Science的兼职Pitzer和Keck Science教师,如果连续几年每年教授2/5或更多,将有资格在一整年的教学时间累积之后的一年内获得资金. 名誉退休/美国教员 are eligible for up to $750 in travel funds, 前提是这些奖励在奖励年度不以牺牲现役教员为代价.

Each faculty member normally has a yearly allowance of $2,在7月1日至6月30日的财政年度内,每学年可获得$ 10,000的资金,用于协助旅行,并且不得从一个财政年度结转到下一个财政年度. Funding may include one or more trips.


旅行, 登记, 在学术会议上发表论文的学生的食宿费用, who are working with Pitzer faculty are eligible for funding. 资金从200美元到500美元不等,取决于机票、注册和酒店的费用. In all cases, students are encouraged to minimize costs wherever possible (e.g. sharing a hotel room with fellow student presenters).

学生必须在申请中提供文件,确认他们的论文已被接受在会议上发表. Applications for funding must be submitted prior to attending the conference. Students will receive responses within 10 working days. Students must email original receipts to be reimbursed.


查看 current travel policy [PDF], including allowable 和 non-allowable travel expenses. 查看 college expense reimbursement policy [PDF]. These policies may also be found 在 财务主管的文件 & 政策网页.





旅行 reimbursements can be processed after the trip has occurred. Due two weeks after return from travel please submit 旅行报告表格[PDF], 和 travel receipts showing proof of purchase. 请附上酒店退房单及费用明细或住宿收据, airfare purchase including passenger 和 flight itinerary, 运输, 和 meal receipts as applicable. 请使用“”表格提交所有收据及证明文件 付款申请表格 报销.

旅行 Advance – Spend Authorization
Spend authorizations can be processed prior to travel. 支出授权可以预支工作旅行的资金,并可在批准旅行预批准和估计旅行总费用后进行处理. 如果您选择此选项,请在旅行前使用 付款申请表格, please include conference date information, conference/seminar agenda, 邀请, 机票收据, 住宿预订, 等. 请在表格的评论部分注明您想要申请旅行预支费用授权.

旅行结束后,但返回后不超过两周,请填写 旅行报告表格(PDF) 并提供所有与旅行有关的收据和补充文件以结清预支款, 通过使用 付款申请表格. 请在表格的评论部分注明你正在结清旅行预支款.

报销 for Meals/Class Meals
报销 for meals must include itemized receipts 和 proof of payment. The business purpose 和 names of attendees must also be included. 每节课有50美元的学期末食品(披萨,饼干等).). Itemized receipts 和 a course roster are required 报销. Please submit all receipts 和 supporting documentation using the 付款申请表格 报销

事件 funded through the Teaching, 学习, 和校园生活委员会(TLCLC)由学院院长预算管理小组编制. 请提交收据及所有证明文件,包括活动公告, 摩天观景轮, 和 award letter using the 付款申请表格 报销.

To process an honorarium, the person receiving payment must submit a W-9表格[PDF]. W-9表格必须用手写签名或DocuSign签名. Please submit the completed W-9 form along with the name of the speaker, the date 和 subject of the presentation, if presentation was given over Zoom or in person, 酬金金额, 和 the budget the funds should be expensed from using the 付款申请表格. 对于课堂讲者,每学年每个班级有50美元的酬金. For class speaker honorariums please submit in additi在 course roster.

学生研究 Assistants
计划聘请学生研究助理的教师需要指定可用的预算(如.e.R系&A awards, endowment funds, external grant funds, 等.) for the student wages to be charged.

Administrative Departments or Programs with 学生就业 Budgets
计划雇用学生到行政部门工作的教员和行政人员, 程序, or field group with an existing student employment budget, 请访问 发布职位 和 招聘学生 在 学生就业 网站. This usually refers to administrative departments or 程序s like the Writing Center; Community Engagement Center; Redford Conservancy; Modern Languages, Literatures 和 文化s Lab; Pitzer Gardens; 出国留学 和 International Programs; Pitzer Galleries; Media Studies; IGLAS; 等.



Two steps to hiring a student employee for existing student employment budgets

1. 招募 位置(年代)

To hire students, please review the College student hiring information web page.

2. Student completes the hiring process

有你的 选择 student(s) complete an authorization to hire student form.

Authorization to Hire Student Form

一旦学生被选中,学生必须与人力资源部门合作完成招聘流程. 这包括填写就业表格,提供I-9文件,以及入职和培训.  学生只有在获得人力资源部的批准后才能开始工作. 当招聘流程完成后,学生和主管将收到人力资源部的通知


Early in the fall 和 spring semesters of each academic year, a 呼叫 is sent out to faculty for research, 课程开发, 出版, 和 professional activity funding. The maximum award is $3,000 per academic year.


全职Pitzer教师(包括休假和无薪专业休假的教师)有资格申请资助. Pitzer和Keck Science的兼职Pitzer和Keck Science教师,如果连续几年每年教授2/5或更多,将有资格在累积相当于一整年教学时间的一年内获得资金. 名誉退休/美国教员, who are not otherwise receiving funding for research from the College, are eligible for research funds, 前提是这些奖励不以奖励年度在职教职员工为代价.



为学生提供与独立学习或毕业论文相关的研究项目. Early in the fall 和 spring semesters of each academic year, a 呼叫 is put out for proposals for students to apply. The maximum award is $750 per academic year.


Student Funding Opportunities

Catherine Blore NR Books:

教师-Student Summer 研究:推荐十大正规网赌网站大学的学生在夏季获得一笔津贴,与推荐十大正规网赌网站大学的一名教员一起获得研究助理奖学金

Katie Lawson Endowed Memorial Award:
帮助推荐十大正规网赌网站学生, particularly psychology majors, to pursue their social work or community service objectives



- R系&A(研究及奖励)


- Student Funding Opportunities


Budget 和 Financial Services

Please see our office staff directory for details on our areas of service.

学院院长's Office